As a leading water damage restoration company, we have years of experience that we love to share. In today’s article, we are looking at common causes of water damage and sharing top tips from our experts on how to prevent them. We’re also taking a look at ways in which you can mitigate water damage if your preventative measures fail.

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5 Common Causes of Water Damage in Homes

The best way to prevent water damage to your home is firstly to be aware of the most common water damage causes and secondly, to remain vigilant. Let’s address the first point by familiarising ourselves with 5 top causes of water damage in the home:

  • Burst Pipes – The water in domestic water pipes can freeze in cold conditions, leading to a build-up of pressure that causes affected pipes to burst open, flooding the property with water.
  • Poor Plumbing – Poorly installed plumbing, defective parts, and low-quality materials can all lead to leaks that cause serious damage. The results of research into what causes water damage are often inconclusive, but poor plumbing usually features prominently.
  • Flooding – Extreme weather can lead to localised flooding that causes a great deal of damage to homes in the immediate vicinity.
  • Putting Out a Fire – Much of the damage to residential properties in which fires start is caused by the water firefighters use to put out the flames.
  • Clogged Gutters – If you don’t keep your gutters free of leaves and other debris, they can become clogged. If they overflow because of a blockage, water will cascade down the side of your house and may seep through the brickwork, causing significant damage to interior walls and ceilings.

Most common causes of water damage can be prevented with planning, but not all. In the following section, we discuss the measures you can take to protect your home.


How to Prevent Water Damage in Your Home

To minimise the chances of your property being affected by any of the water damage causes discussed above, you can take the following measures:

  • Installation of Insulation for Water Pipes
  • Careful Selection of Service Providers
  • Landscaping & Planting
  • Installation of Smoke Alarms
  • Regular Cleaning and Maintenance of Guttering

You won’t be able to eliminate the possibility of future water damage – especially if your home is close to a river that bursts its banks with monotonous regularity every flood season – but you will significantly reduce the odds of it happening to your property by taking the above measures.


How Pircsa Can Help You Mitigate Water Damage

If you are discovering what causes water damage in homes a little too late for preventative measures and in our service area, do not worry. As water damage restoration specialists, we offer a comprehensive range of water damage mitigation services to Queensland homeowners. If you are looking for professional water damage repair, moisture measurement and mould removal services, call or email us.